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Secure Payment Solutions

No Matter the Industry!

Our Experience will be your guide!

Transportation Systems

Taxi and Limo fares locally and distant require and need mobile payments. Deliver Pizza, flowers or anything else and you need wireless service. We can customize a solution just right for your needs for in the shop, office or on the road! We deliver the solutions you need for credit card processing and debit card transaction processing on the go.

Secure wireless credit and debit payments right at the door, or door to door. Our EMV, high speed terminals provide fast transaction times that keep your business and customers moving. Custom prompts for tip, surcharges and cashback makes it easy for you to keep your costs manageable and your customers happy.

Our terminals are managed by a Rogers AND TELUS cell partner that provides us with custom management tools that allow you better control and cost maintenance. Our web-based portal lets you easily keep track of payments payouts. Our specialty gift cards and loyalty programs add even more value to your payment system.

Contact us today and we’ll help you move people or product with better profitably.



Hospitality/Integrated Systems

Service to your customers is key to you just as with us. Focus on your business, not your payment processing.

Our appetizing array of made-to-order customized solutions will help you and your team work faster, with minimal downtime and increased profits. Your wait staff will appreciate our lightweight, portable and easy-to-use terminals. All our terminals are chip-enabled, smartcard-ready, reliable and secure.

We understand the needs of your business. Our fast terminals will help you provide great customer service while optimizing your customers experience. Our Custom portal helps you manage it all from the comfort of your computer!

Contact us now. We’ll be happy to customize the best solution for your needs.


Delivery Systems

Service to your customers is key to you just as with us. Focus on your business, not your payment processing.

Our appetizing array of made-to-order customized solutions will help you and your team work faster, with minimal downtime and increased profits. Your wait staff will appreciate our lightweight, portable and easy-to-use terminals. All our terminals are chip-enabled, smartcard-ready, reliable and secure.

We understand the needs of your business. Our fast terminals will help you provide great customer service while optimizing your customers experience. Our Custom portal helps you manage it all from the comfort of your computer!

Contact us now. We’ll be happy to customize the best solution for your needs.
